Thursday, January 7, 2010

Shipping Boxes For Sale Can You Get In Trouble For Ordering Free USPS Shipping Boxes And Not Using Them?

Can you get in trouble for ordering free USPS shipping boxes and not using them? - shipping boxes for sale

Someone did a lot of shipping boxes USPS free use of my name and address, and I will not go back. Will I have problems when I left, not for sending something used?


bulkmail... said...

Not necessarily. If it's a coincidence or something at the same time, it is unlikely that anything would come of it. If there is something that happens all the time, you are and you could be called into question.

There was one case in my town, where someone asked, literally tons of these materials and used them to make the oven at home.

It has been found, and was prosecuted and punished, placed on probation and restitution.

You can simply use the device to your local order, or simply "Denied" on the package and let your business if you have home delivery.

bulkmail... said...

Not necessarily. If it's a coincidence or something at the same time, it is unlikely that anything would come of it. If there is something that happens all the time, you are and you could be called into question.

There was one case in my town, where someone asked, literally tons of these materials and used them to make the oven at home.

It has been found, and was prosecuted and punished, placed on probation and restitution.

You can simply use the device to your local order, or simply "Denied" on the package and let your business if you have home delivery.

tyb said...

no i dont think so

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