Saturday, February 13, 2010

Small Estate Affidavit State Of Florida My Mother Passed Away And There Was Not A Will But She Has A Home I Want To Save! Help!?

My mother passed away and there was not a will but she has a home I want to save! Help!? - small estate affidavit state of florida

My mother died of a heart attack 1 years. The only advantage was their house. My sister moved to resume the payments, but he stopped the payments in 01/2009. There was no will or in writing. We have appeared and disappeared in the attempt to submit an affidavit of small goods, because we can not afford a lawyer. We have received an opinion of counsel for the recovery of the mortgage, stating that the closure of 30 days after 4/21/2009. We have tried to find arrangements for payment with the mortgage company, so we can save the house. There is no way we can afford a lawyer, but we stuck - no one wants to talk with us and save us the opportunity to the house. Is there anything we can do or any other government agency that can help us? Please? My older sister has all the answersResponsibility and left everything went for me and my younger sister. My mother worked her whole life for us to leave this house. The house is worth 109k, but in this market will likely reach only 80K. The remaining balance is $ 62K. Even if we work a lawyer on an emergency agreement with us, please fill out the contrary, if we realators for debt charges, legal fees, sell, etc. I know that we can only see go, but really wanted some advice before you to do because the house is very special to us.


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